Harvey Schwartz

Episode 128: Freud Encounters C.S. Lewis as imagined by Mark St. Germain

“[in the play Freud’s Last Session]… with the sound of the bombers both men react as they did the first time – with fear. But this time instead of disguising it they admit to it. That admittance was the bond between them. Freud also was shaken by the whole experience. At the very end of…

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Episode 126: Can Psychoanalysis be Identical Everywhere? with Jorge Bruce (Lima)

“Psychoanalysis is a translation of what I call in Spanish, Psicoanalisis Criollo, which means that we are hybrid cultures in Latin America, and that is something that we should never forget. We have been acting in the Psychoanalytical Society for so long as if we were living in some big modern city of the first…

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Episode 123: Teaching Dynamic Therapy through Storytelling with Anne Adelman, Ph.D. (Chevy Chase, MD) and Kerry Malawista, Ph.D. (Potomac, MD)

“When I first started teaching it was most often done through theory, and teaching these complicated words with hard-to-understand concepts. It never made sense to me, to be honest, as a student myself. So, when I began teaching, I would tell stories whether they were about my own life or about my children as a…

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Episode 116: “Nothing is Unimportant” – Contemporaneous Records of Mass Trauma: The Ringelblum Archive with Samuel Kassow, PhD

“The Archive begins in 1940. The Germans themselves do not decide they are going to murder all the Jews, they don’t decide on the Final Solution until late 1941. When the archive begins, Ringelblum is creating the archive in order to do what Max Weinreich was doing with the YIVO [Yiddish Scientific Institute] – that…

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Episode 114: The Analyst’s Early Experiences: Emerging Themes in Theory and Practice with Karen Maroda, PhD

“We are chosen [as children] for the roles of peacekeeper, soother, and possibly entertainer at times, because we temperamentally have been gifted with a certain degree of empathy, sensitivity, and psychological mindedness that was not true of our siblings. There is a reason why we’ve been chosen, and it is because of our innate abilities….

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Episode 108: Report from Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Society with Igor Romanov, Ph.D. (Kharkiv)

“I have some very close friends in Russia and some of them emigrated now and some of them are in Russia. Of course, I can speak with them very personally about my experience. I see how much guilt they feel and how much pressure they feel from both sides, from inside Russia and outside. For…

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Episode 107: A Psychoanalyst Administers Ketamine with Gita Vaid, MD

“One of the things that I find absolutely remarkable about psychedelic medicines is the access one can have into discovering different parts of  oneself, different ways in which we’re put together  Also, to see how we shape our worlds in a very interesting way, experientially. That has been shocking to me – to see and…

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Episode 106: A Conversation with Ukrainian Psychoanalyst Oleksandra Mirza

“We understand that we are not alone. It is crucially important to feel like that because we are a large country compared to other European countries – we are the largest country in Europe and have 45 million population. But in comparison to Russia it is very small and actually the Russian army is the…

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Episode 105: Musical Improvisation and Free Association with Rafael Ornstein, MD

“Patients may be bringing in harmonies that are tough to connect -fragments of life or things that cannot be integrated. Part of the improvisation in a way is to make sense, to create a new improvisation that ties together different affects or maybe clusters of chords that feel to be unpleasant. Can we work with…

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Episode 104: The Eyes, The Drives, and Culture with Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, PhD

“I’m interested in with what mind and what imagination and thoughts and association one person lives her life. That’s the common thread in all three novels and that is of course what interests me as an analyst practicing psychoanalysis, doing psychoanalytic work. It is also what interests me in terms of psychoanalytic theory, what goes…

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