Harvey Schwartz

Episode 104: The Eyes, The Drives, and Culture with Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, PhD

“I’m interested in with what mind and what imagination and thoughts and association one person lives her life. That’s the common thread in all three novels and that is of course what interests me as an analyst practicing psychoanalysis, doing psychoanalytic work. It is also what interests me in terms of psychoanalytic theory, what goes…

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Episode 103: Addictive Pornography: Psychoanalytic Considerations with Claudia Spadazzi, MD and Jose Zusman, MD

“We are all dependent and potentially addicted as well. We regularly use addictive objects whenever we are confronted with a circumstance that brings a lot of pain, emotional pain, more pain than we can bare.” Claudia Spadazzi, MD and Jose Zusman, MD Rome and Rio de Janeiro Episode Description: We begin by reviewing how remarkably…

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Episode 102: Trauma and the Capacity for Gratitude with Heinz Weiss, MD

“The acknowledgment of guilt it’s a prerequisite for reparation. There is no reparation without the acknowledgment of guilt and guilt arises when love and hatred come together within the same person. There is no need to feel guilt as long as we idealize a good object – there is no need to feel guilt as…

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Episode 98: Meet the IPA’s New President: Harriet Wolfe, MD

“A large group [of analysts] sitting in the circular Tavistock manner talked about their reactions to the state of the world. It wasn’t just about the law about Poland and the Holocaust but also about the populist movements that were gaining ground in many places. The psychoanalysts were saying ” What can we do? What…

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Episode 97: Off the Couch and into the Political Arena with John, Lord Alderdice FRCPsych

“I decided I would try to understand things psychologically because it seemed to me that the current wisdom that people were acting as rational actors operating in their own best interests didn’t actually fit the facts. Many people and communities were doing things that were harmful to themselves.  I thought, ‘Well, one profession that spends…

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Episode 96: Why Do We Read Books? Literature and Psychoanalysis with Merav Roth, Ph.D.

“I jump into a book – we take a book into our hands, and I become everybody, everywhere in every era. I become Emma Bovary – it is a very famous expression by Flaubert saying, “I am Emma Bovary, Emma Bovary c’est moi.” I become someone else in a different place, in a different time,…

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Episode 77: The Psychoanalyst in the Business World with Kenneth Eisold Ph.D. New York City

“By sitting down with me, they were really, in a way, forced to be more reflective, so I had only reflected back to them some of what they were saying and not paying attention to, but I think sitting with me encouraged them to be a little more reflective themselves. They would have to slow…

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Episode 76: Torture, Rehumanization, and Psychoanalysis with Vladimir Jovic, MD, PhD

“Every individual reaction was specific and idiosyncratic – it was absolutely related to the previous experience. Even the symptoms that were formed could be understood as the reaction to adult trauma but shaped according to a childhood experience.” Vladimir Jovic, MD, PhD Belgrade Episode Description: Dr. Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Vladimir Jovic to today’s episode….

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Episode 75: Unconscious Communication within the Psychoanalytic Dyad with Marsha Hewitt, PhD

“When you think about the analyst’s reverie – we are in a session and something is happening, the patient is telling you something and your mind starts to drift – an image comes to your mind  that just sticks and it won’t let go. It may well be that something is happening to the patient…

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Episode 74: Analyst Daughters of Famous Fathers Write Memoirs: A Conversation between Susan Mailer and Joan Wheelis, MD

“My dad also revealed a lot of himself in his writing which made it difficult for me, because I also had the sense that I was looking into a private space that was his own. I wasn´t sure I really wanted to see it because it wasn´t always very nice and it wasn´t always very…

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