Episode Archives

Episode 76: Torture, Rehumanization, and Psychoanalysis with Vladimir Jovic, MD, PhD

“Every individual reaction was specific and idiosyncratic – it was absolutely related to the previous experience. Even the symptoms that were formed could be understood as the reaction to adult trauma but shaped according to a childhood experience.” Vladimir Jovic, MD, PhD Belgrade Episode Description: Dr. Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Vladimir Jovic to today’s episode….

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Episode 75: Unconscious Communication within the Psychoanalytic Dyad with Marsha Hewitt, PhD

“When you think about the analyst’s reverie – we are in a session and something is happening, the patient is telling you something and your mind starts to drift – an image comes to your mind  that just sticks and it won’t let go. It may well be that something is happening to the patient…

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Episode 74: Analyst Daughters of Famous Fathers Write Memoirs: A Conversation between Susan Mailer and Joan Wheelis, MD

“My dad also revealed a lot of himself in his writing which made it difficult for me, because I also had the sense that I was looking into a private space that was his own. I wasn´t sure I really wanted to see it because it wasn´t always very nice and it wasn´t always very…

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Episode 73: The Social Order and a Transgressive Psychoanalysis with Stephen Frosh, PhD.

“ There is a history of psychoanalysis and its relationship with political thought and even political action. There is clearly quite a strong historical tradition of a sort of rebelliousness on the part of psychoanalysis or at least a challenge to social mores, which I see as beginning right from the start and certainly as…

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Episode 72: The Musicality of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalysis of Music with Roger Kennedy, MD

“ There is a musicality at the core of our affective life. It really goes back to early mother-infant communications or what’s called ‘communicative musicality’ – the to-and-fro of the dynamic between mother and baby as really the core, the scaffolding of our emotional life. ” Roger Kennedy, MD London Episode Description: Dr. Harvey Schwartz…

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Episode 71: Learning Psychoanalysis in the Time of COVID with Cindi Palman, MD

“ We all have misattunements – but when we are present together, sometimes we can have a misattunement with our words or our tone of voice, but we may not have a misattunement of our bodies, so we’re missing that one element when we are remote. ” Cindi Palman, MD Eugene, Oregon Episode Description: Dr….

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Episode 70: Psychoanalysis in Times of Crisis: A Psychoanalyst-Historian’s Perspective with Eran Rolnik M.D. PhD

“ One of Freud’s letters to Ferenczi is a letter dated October 1918, just before the truce that ended World War I. And in this letter, Freud was responding to Ferenczi’s lament over the demise and disintegration of the monarchy, and his advice to Ferenczi went like this: “Withdraw your libido from your fatherland in…

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Episode 69: A Life in Academia, Anthropology, and Psychoanalysis with Robert Paul, PhD

“ There are things that arise in later life that have to do with the conflict of cultures that arises when you’re dealing with someone who either is an immigrant or is the child of immigrants. This is also the case with someone who comes from a family in the U.S. which is deeply conservative…

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Episode 68: The Fate of Magic in Psychoanalysis with Joel Whitebook, PhD

“ The goal is to find magic which is not psychotic, to find a form of magic which isn’t simply the denial of reality. The nonpsychotic form of magic is play. The analyst and the patient have to learn to be able to play together in that transitional realm. ” Joel Whitebook, PhD New York…

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Episode 67: Creativity in the Analyst and Analysand in Times of COVID with Ilany Kogan

“ I think that the analyst has to be in touch with his anxiety in order to be able to understand the patient’s anxiety. But he has to not be drowned in such anxiety in order to be able to be the helpful object. ” Ilany Kogan, MA Rehovot Episode Description: Dr. Harvey Schwartz welcomes Ilany…

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