Episode Archives

Episode 136: Freud’s Nephew and the Creation of ‘Buzz’ around Psychoanalysis with Joseph Malherek, Ph.D. (Raleigh, North Carolina)

“He [Bernays] proposed to his uncle that he’d do a translation of this book that had been given to him and Freud, perhaps without thinking too much about it,  approved the idea.  Bernays went about hiring a translator who was a psychology Ph.D. student that he found at Columbia University and he got Stanley Hall…

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Episode 135: Technique is Character Rationalized with Lee Grossman, MD (Oakland, Ca.)

“Analytic candidates in training struggle with the fact that you tend to get thrown into the deep water before you really know what you’re doing. Then, the anxious candidate will typically struggle to find something to hang on to – and it’s much easier to hang on to a theory than it is to hang…

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Episode 134: One Analyst – Two Continents: Treatment Differences? with Jeanne Wolff- Bernstein, Ph.D. (Vienna)

“When you’re with a patient you take all that you know in your head, all the theory, and you throw it away. You have to listen to the patient and then maybe afterward something becomes clear – you use that ‘in-between’ as a way maybe in the next session. But if you were sitting there…

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Episode 133: International Commentaries on the State of our Field with Fred Busch, Ph.D. (Chestnut Hill, Mass.)

“I’ve long had concerns about the practice of psychoanalysis and that the theory underlying it has become a veritable Tower of Babel. We have these multiple views where everything is accepted as ‘psychoanalysis,’ but they really can’t be because they’re very different models and they call for very different things. I also feel that our…

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Episode 132: ‘Children Exposed to Pornography: the Erosion of Latency with Franco D’Alberton, Ph.D. & Andrea Scardovi, MD, Ph.D. (Bologna)

“They interviewed more than 6,000 American parents and their children from ages eight to thirteen. They wanted to identify what the perception and realities were of the parents’ use of technology. It is important to know that about one-third of the children said that their parents spent equal or less time with them than in…

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Episode 131: ‘Music Sounds the Way Emotion Feels’: from the Piano to the Couch with Julie Nagel, PhD (Dexter, Michigan)

 “Some of the shared concepts – even words that psychoanalysis and musicians use – such as conflict, ambiguity, silences, dissonance, resolution or not, working through, is in the Mozart you’ve heard. What you hear in the very opening four measures was worked through this entire sonata, it was thematic. If we play the whole sonata,…

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Episode 130: ‘Wearing the Attributes’ – 50 years as an Analyst with Judith Chused, MD (Washington, DC)

“A child [patient] makes a mistake, upsets things – one doesn’t console or complain, but just reflects whatever the patient’s affect was at that moment, such as, ‘that seems to bother you’ or ‘it’s hard to put those two pieces together’- to just observe it, to not have an affective response of disgust or irritation….

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Episode 129: From Immunology to Psychoanalysis: Reflections on Primitive Mental States with Shiri Ben Bassat (Tel Aviv)

“This is the first time that I really felt what is meant by cell relations. You have object relations and you have part-object relations and anxieties that are depressive and schizophrenic. But when I deal with primitive anxieties, I really felt cell relations. What I felt is that my cells were going beyond my skin…

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Episode 128: Freud Encounters C.S. Lewis as imagined by Mark St. Germain

“[in the play Freud’s Last Session]… with the sound of the bombers both men react as they did the first time – with fear. But this time instead of disguising it they admit to it. That admittance was the bond between them. Freud also was shaken by the whole experience. At the very end of…

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Episode 127: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Evil with Dr. Roger Kennedy (London)

“I feel as a psychoanalyst one has to respond to the world. We can’t just simply remain in our consulting rooms although that has always been vitally important for my identity and thinking. We can’t turn a blind eye to what is going on in the world. There are a lot of awful things going…

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